Welcome to the WorHammer40k podcast!
In the Geordie dialect, "wor" means "our", so this is our honest take on every aspect of the hobby we all love.
Join us as we take an independent look at 40k through a North-East lens.
Intro music: Crawling towards the goal, by Lemon Music Studio
Outro music: The Unkillable, by Brightest Avenue
Take the L: is Warhammer 40k terrain too boring?
Season 1
Episode 53
You can still buy a vast array of 40k terrain, but L-shaped ruins dominate tables.
Has Warhammer 40k terrain got too predictable?
Are we becoming too reliant on tournament-style terrain?
Can we change up terrain without harming game balance?
Thumbnails by https://tinyurl.com/thatjackJ
Check out our video about Warhammer World here: https://youtu.be/vKkvjmcNrn0?si=Tqbs-XRLo-XlImRq