Welcome to the WorHammer40k podcast!
In the Geordie dialect, "wor" means "our", so this is our honest take on every aspect of the hobby we all love.
Join us as we take an independent look at 40k through a North-East lens.
Intro music: Crawling towards the goal, by Lemon Music Studio
Outro music: The Unkillable, by Brightest Avenue
Can Warhammer 40k be a force for good? | Worhammer Podcast 39
Season 1
Episode 39
GW says there are no good guys in 40k - but we've found one!
Rally Point Games & Minds spreads hobby positivity - and is raffling off a fully painted 2,000pts Tyranids army to raise funds for a mental health charity!!
We talk to its founder Simon to find out more.
Follow Rally Point on Instagram:
/ rally_point_games_and_minds