Welcome to the WorHammer40k podcast!
In the Geordie dialect, "wor" means "our", so this is our honest take on every aspect of the hobby we all love.
Join us as we take an independent look at 40k through a North-East lens.
Intro music: Crawling towards the goal, by Lemon Music Studio
Outro music: The Unkillable, by Brightest Avenue
What was the score at Dominion War? | Worhammer Podcast 33
A clash of presenters at the Dominion War tournament - but who won by 1pt? And who got a podium finish?
IDICBeer 40k - Dominion War 2024
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Attending Channels:
IDICBeer 40k https://www.youtube.com/@IDICBeer
CM Wargames https://www.youtube.com/@CMWargames
Planet 40k https://www.youtube.com/@Planet40K
00:00 Intro
01:22 What is Dominion War?
02:20 Bromance in Portsmouth
07:25 Great expectations
13:30 Jack' list
15:00 Dan's list
16:00 Our partners
20:55 Round 1 goes well
30:00 Round 2 - Fight!
43:22 The prizes
48:25 Memorable moments
Daemon Prince Gaming https://www.youtube.com/@UCKyctlWHVs2dBOoe2-U7_zg
The Hobby Corner https://www.youtube.com/@TheHobbyCorner
Warzone Morloc 40K https://www.youtube.com/c/warzonemorloc40k
Shed Gaming https://www.youtube.com/@Shedgaming_40k
The Golden Thrown https://www.youtube.com/@thegoldenthrown6528
Ministry of Dice https://www.youtube.com/@M.O.D-fb9uq
ModellingforAdvantage https://www.youtube.com/@ModellingforAdvantage
Dread Waaagh Gaming https://www.youtube.com/@DreadWaaaghGaming
6+ Stevo https://www.youtube.com/@6Stevo
WorHammer40k https://www.youtube.com/@WorHammer40k
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